286 lines
9.5 KiB
286 lines
9.5 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use yew::prelude::*;
use yewdux::prelude::*;
use crate::components::states::{CurrentTransfer, MainState};
use plate_tool_lib::plate::PlateType;
use plate_tool_lib::transfer::Transfer;
use plate_tool_lib::transfer_region::Region;
// Color Palette for the Source Plates, can be changed here
use crate::components::plates::util::Palettes;
const PALETTE: super::util::ColorPalette = Palettes::RAINBOW;
use plate_tool_lib::util::num_to_letters;
use super::plate_data::*;
use super::plate_callbacks;
pub fn Plate(props: &PlateProps) -> Html {
let (main_state, _) = use_store::<MainState>();
let (ct_state, ct_dispatch) = use_store::<CurrentTransfer>();
let m_start_handle: MStartHandle = use_state_eq(|| None);
let m_end_handle: MEndHandle = use_state_eq(|| None);
let m_stat_handle: MStatHandle = use_state_eq(|| false);
if !(*m_stat_handle) {
let region = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => ct_state.transfer.transfer_region.source_region.clone(),
PlateType::Destination => ct_state.transfer.transfer_region.dest_region.clone(),
let (pt1, pt2) = match region {
Region::Point((x, y)) => ((x, y), (x, y)),
Region::Rect(c1, c2) => (c1, c2),
Region::Custom(_) => ((0, 0), (0, 0)),
let tooltip_map = {
let transfers = main_state.transfers.iter().filter(|t| match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => t.source_id == props.source_plate.get_uuid(),
PlateType::Destination => t.dest_id == props.destination_plate.get_uuid(),
let mut tooltip_map: HashMap<(u8, u8), Vec<&Transfer>> = HashMap::new();
for transfer in transfers {
let wells = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => transfer.transfer_region.get_source_wells(),
PlateType::Destination => transfer.transfer_region.get_destination_wells(),
for well in wells {
if let Some(val) = tooltip_map.get_mut(&well) {
} else {
tooltip_map.insert(well, vec![transfer]);
let wells = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => ct_state.transfer.transfer_region.get_source_wells(),
PlateType::Destination => ct_state.transfer.transfer_region.get_destination_wells(),
let ordered_ids: Vec<uuid::Uuid> = {
let mut ids: Vec<uuid::Uuid> = main_state.transfers.clone().iter().map(|x| x.id).collect();
let mouse_callback = {
let m_start_handle = m_start_handle.clone();
let m_end_handle = m_end_handle.clone();
let m_stat_handle = m_stat_handle.clone();
plate_callbacks::mouse_callback(m_start_handle, m_end_handle, m_stat_handle)
let mouseup_callback = {
let m_start_handle = m_start_handle.clone();
let m_end_handle = m_end_handle.clone();
plate_callbacks::mouseup_callback(m_start_handle, m_end_handle, m_stat_handle, ct_dispatch)
let mouseleave_callback = Callback::clone(&mouseup_callback);
let screenshot_callback = Callback::from(|_| {
let _ = js_sys::eval("copy_screenshot_src()");
let width = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => props.source_plate.plate.size().1,
PlateType::Destination => props.destination_plate.plate.size().1,
let height = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => props.source_plate.plate.size().0,
PlateType::Destination => props.destination_plate.plate.size().0,
let pformat = match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => props.source_plate.plate.plate_format,
PlateType::Destination => props.destination_plate.plate.plate_format,
let column_header = {
let headers = (1..=width)
.map(|j| {
html! {<th>
{format!("{:0>2}", j)}
html! {<tr><th />{ headers }</tr>}
let rows =
.map(|i| {
let row_header = html! {<th>{num_to_letters(i)}</th>};
let row = (1..=width)
.map(|j| {
html! {
<PlateCell i={i} j={j}
selected={in_rect(*m_start_handle.clone(), *m_end_handle.clone(), (i,j))}
in_transfer={wells.contains(&(i,j)) && main_state.preferences.in_transfer_hashes}
.and_then(|t| t.last())
.map(|t| PALETTE.get_ordered(t.get_uuid(), &ordered_ids))
title={tooltip_map.get(&(i,j)).map(|transfers| format!("Used by: {}", transfers.iter().map(|t| t.name.clone())
.collect::<Vec<_>>().join(", ")))}
html! {
{ row_header }{ row }
html! {
<div ondblclick={screenshot_callback}
class={classes!{match props.ptype {
PlateType::Source => "source_plate",
PlateType::Destination => "dest_plate",
onmouseup={move |e| {
onmouseleave={move |e| {
{ column_header }
{ rows }
#[derive(PartialEq, Properties)]
pub struct PlateCellProps {
i: u8,
j: u8,
selected: bool,
mouse: Callback<(u8, u8, MouseEventType)>,
in_transfer: Option<bool>,
color: Option<[f64; 3]>,
cell_height: f64,
title: Option<String>,
fn PlateCell(props: &PlateCellProps) -> Html {
let selected_class = match props.selected {
true => Some("current_select"),
false => None,
let in_transfer_class = match props.in_transfer {
Some(true) => Some("in_transfer"),
_ => None,
let color = props.color.unwrap_or([255.0, 255.0, 255.0]);
let mouse = Callback::clone(&props.mouse);
let mouse2 = Callback::clone(&props.mouse);
let (i, j) = (props.i, props.j);
html! {
<td class={classes!("plate_cell", selected_class, in_transfer_class)}
style={format!("height: {}px;", props.cell_height)}
id={format!("color={:?}", props.color)}
onmousedown={move |_| {
mouse.emit((i,j, MouseEventType::Mousedown))
onmouseenter={move |_| {
mouse2.emit((i,j, MouseEventType::Mouseenter))
<div class="plate_cell_inner"
style={format!("background: rgba({},{},{},1);", color[0], color[1], color[2])}
title={if let Some(text) = &props.title {
} else {"".to_string()}}/>
pub fn in_rect(corner1: Option<(u8, u8)>, corner2: Option<(u8, u8)>, pt: (u8, u8)) -> bool {
if let (Some(c1), Some(c2)) = (corner1, corner2) {
pt.0 <= u8::max(c1.0, c2.0)
&& pt.0 >= u8::min(c1.0, c2.0)
&& pt.1 <= u8::max(c1.1, c2.1)
&& pt.1 >= u8::min(c1.1, c2.1)
} else {
mod tests {
use wasm_bindgen_test::*;
use super::in_rect;
// in_rect tests
fn test_in_rect1() {
// Test in center of rect
let c1 = (1, 1);
let c2 = (10, 10);
let pt = (5, 5);
assert!(in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt));
// Order of the corners should not matter:
assert!(in_rect(Some(c2), Some(c1), pt));
fn test_in_rect2() {
// Test on top/bottom edges of rect
let c1 = (1, 1);
let c2 = (10, 10);
let pt1 = (1, 5);
let pt2 = (10, 5);
assert!(in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt1));
assert!(in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt2));
// Order of the corners should not matter:
assert!(in_rect(Some(c2), Some(c1), pt1));
assert!(in_rect(Some(c2), Some(c1), pt2));
fn test_in_rect3() {
// Test on left/right edges of rect
let c1 = (1, 1);
let c2 = (10, 10);
let pt1 = (5, 1);
let pt2 = (5, 10);
assert!(in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt1));
assert!(in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt2));
// Order of the corners should not matter:
assert!(in_rect(Some(c2), Some(c1), pt1));
assert!(in_rect(Some(c2), Some(c1), pt2));
fn test_in_rect4() {
// Test cases that should fail
let c1 = (1, 1);
let c2 = (10, 10);
let pt1 = (0, 0);
let pt2 = (15, 15);
assert!(!in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt1));
assert!(!in_rect(Some(c1), Some(c2), pt2));